Lucas Lima

Sr. Innovation Solutions Architect

About Me

Sr. Solutions Architect and Innovation Technologist with a passion for Web 3 and Machine Learning (incl. Generative AI). I have a wide range of experience working with corporate innovation applying the "Lean Startup" framework, from designing and developing innovative solutions to managing and deploying them. I specialize in leveraging emerging technologies to solve complex problems and have a track record of successful driving results using hypothesis-driven experimentation. My goal is to help drive transformative change to make a positive impact on the lives of people through innovative technologies.


  • Location: St. Petersburg, FL - USA

Education & Skills

Nationalities and Languages

Brazilian and Portuguese Nationalities

  • Portuguese (Native)
  • English (Fluent)
  • Spanish (Fluent)
  • French (In progress)


MIT School of Management

Executive Education in Management and Leadership

University of Sao Paulo

BSc, Computer Information Systems


Tech Skills

  • Front-End: NextJS / Tailwind CSS
  • Back-end: Node JS / Python / Hardhat / Solidity
  • DevOps: YML Pipelines / Azure DevOps / Github Actions / Vercel
  • Cloud Architecture: Azure / AWS / Terraform / Docker
  • Machine Learning: RAG / Foundational Models / AutoML / Tensorflow / Keras
  • Dev Environment: Unix (preferable) / Windows

Professional Experience

Sr. Solutions Architect at Global Digital Innovation – Kimberly Clark


1- Generative AI Platform (Global)

Principal Solution Architect of the first Generative AI Platform for digital applications at Kimberly-Clark. Currently in use by Procurement, Supply Chain and Marketing (rolling out to other functions).

Solution: A Global Generative AI Platform in a private network that utilizes foundational models to generate new content, perform retrieval augmented generation (RAG) over corporate data, automate processes, and enhance productivity across various business functions. Designed to streamline operations, foster innovation, and provide competitive advantages in the marketplace when connected to new or existing digital solutions.

Tech Stack: OpenAI APIs / Kubernetes /Langchain / Azure AI Search / Cosmos DB / React JS.

2- Intimus NFT art festival (Latin America)

Idea co-owner and hands-on solution architect of the first marketing campaign utilizing NFTs for community building as part of Intimus’ 3 years strategy to build digital communities.

Solution: (1) High-fidelity prototype for Customer Validation (Desirability - IDEO) using a Next JS front-end with Flowbite components (Tailwind) and EVM Smart Contract managed through ThirdWeb SDK; (2) MVP solution developed in collaboration with Women Force and Samambaia Labs.

Tech Stack: ThirdWeb / Wagmi / Connect Kit / Alchemy / IPFS / NextJS / Azure.

3- Computer Vision Model and APIs (Global)

Solution architect and ML engineer to train a transformers model for classification of poop color, served through APIs on Azure to a React front-end pilot application.

Solution: This initiative has 3 distinct architectures that have been developed to test different hypothesis and provide options for markets with specific needs. First version was developed in-house using a React Front-end, Azure serverless functions behind API management and a non-relational DB. Second version was built by a partner with computer vision expertise, which used images from our R&E to train a classification model and also provisioned a newer version of the front-end. Third version mocks up the machine learning model using RGB color maping to cut costs and reduce maintenance needs, priding very similar results. A in-house transformers model has also been trained using data collected from real consumers from the previous versions with very positive results.

4- “Proof of Achievement” Non-fungible Awards (Global)

Idea owner, solution architect, solidity engineer and product owner of an internal experiment to “de-risk” and show value of Web 3 technologies to businesses and Global IT leadership. Award NFTs in 2022: “CIO Awards”, “R&E Technical Excellence” and “Global Digital Innovator of the Year” OpenSea.

Solution: EVM Smart Contract Factory deployed on Polygon (L2) to manage Smart Contracts (awards) with ERC1155 tokens (multiple owners).

Tech stack: Hardhat / Alchemy / Piñata / Wallet Connect / React / Storybook / Web3.js / GraphQL / Azure.

5- “Point of View” (POV) on Metaverse (Global)

I discuss the potential of decentralized metaverse and blockchain networks, as well as the possibilities created by decentralized applications and non-fungible tokens. The POV article explores how these emerging technologies can be used to innovate and create value for CPG corporations. By leveraging the reduced cost of verification and networking of non-fungible tokens and decentralized applications, CPG corporations can create new revenue sources and better engage with consumers.

Solution: A point of view article presented to the CIO organization and the Global Digital Technologies Solutions organization on the evolution of the concept Metaverse, diving into some of its building blocks and how the maturity of decentralized blockchain networks have contributed to a alternative proposal of what the Metaverse will be. It also looks at the functional role of crypto and non/semi-fungible tokens.

Solutions Architect | Innovation Manager Trainee at SVIO – Global Nestle Innovation | Marketing, Sales and e-business – Nestle IT North America


Refill+ Nestle Waters Smart Water Dispenser (Global)

Principal architect leading the redesigning of the global Nestle Waters Refill+ smart water dispenser for first roll out in Europe to confirm POC assumptions and test initial hypothesis.

Solution: IoT water dispenser activated with a Mobile App and/or NFC bottles, integrated with AWS IoT Hub for device governance, Magento headless eCommerce backend to handle orders, Drupal front-end and SAP asset management workflows. See machine here.

“Blue Ears” Rapid Experiment (Global)

Idea-owner, solution architect and project manager of the rapid experiment using Industrial IoT Microphone to train ML Models to analyze the sound of food processing equipment in factories in partnership with OneWatt.

Solution: Industrial IoT Microphone "E.A.R.S" integrated with a SENS-AI neural stack AI and APIs for corporate data analysis and decision making.

"NEO" Rapid Experiment (Global)

Idea-owner, solution architect and project manager of the rapid experiment using an open source Mobile Application with Machine Learning to help the crowdsourcing of images of Nestle coffee machines to compose a dataset for training a computer vision classification model for use by our support chatbots.

Solution: Mobile app developed using Flutter (outsourced software developer) interacting with GCP APIs for image storage and ML Model rapid training using AutoML.

IT Project Manager at Nestle IT North America


Technical project manager, part of the Mobile Field Sales team, responsible for managing the global roll out of Mobile applications for the Field Sales teams in North America as part of the Sales Force Automation program in North America.

  • Total Deployments: 7 Projects
  • Users Affected: 6000+ Sales Reps
  • People Managed: 15+

Volunteer Project|Product manager at Brasa Design


My expertise in project management, combined with my knowledge of digital technology and innovation, has enabled me to volunteer as a Project Manager and Product Manager for Brasa Design, a Web 2 creative design agency specialized in working for Brazil's third sector (private non-profitable organizations), providing consultancy and guidance to help them reach their goals. See their portfolio


Intangible Cultural Heritage Inventorying using Blockchain Networks


Cultural historical records lay the foundations for better understanding and dialogue between generations and societies. It is therefore of extreme importance to practitioners, researchers, and our society in general to find ways to document the practice of intangible cultural heritage, ensuring the survival of its elements and traditions.

Article Link

Intangible Cultural Heritage Inventorying using Blockchain Networks © 2023 by Lucas Maia Souza Lima is licensed under Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International

VIP Roundtable - Web 3, Metaverse & NFTs for Brands

Landmark Ventures + House of First

Participant of a roundtable discussing the how brands are leveraging Web 3, NFTs and the Metaverse concept, to create shared value. Participants discussed topics such as the potential of the metaverse for brands, the use of blockchain-based non-fungible tokens, the implications of Web 3 for brands, and the potential of virtual stores, challenges associated with these technologies and the opportunities for businesses to create new models and experiences.

An audiovisual historical archive of capoeira rodas and events around São Paulo, Brazil. The first and largets historical archive online of the world.

Historia e Quadrinhos Podcast

H&Q Podcast

Launch of the project "Historia e Quadrinhos Podcast" with a group of historian teacher friends tht developed a novelty methodology to teach history using comics in Brazil. I was responsible for the Website and Social Media.

Thank You!

Thank you very much for reading till this point! Please, reach out for a quick chat, I'm always willing to exchange experience with others.